Faculty and Staff

Name: Dr. Scott Kerth
Title: Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership
Office Location: SB-122
Email: kerthsc@lewisu.edu
Phone: (815) 836-5329
Education & Certifications:
- Ph.D., Benedictine University
- M.S., Northwestern University
- MBA, University of Chicago
- MBA from Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium
- BA in Economics from Kenyon College
Courses Taught:
- BSAD 52000 Fundamentals of the Business Enterprise
- ORGL-50900 Leadership Theory/Practice/Context
- ORGL-51200 Assessing Leadership Skills
- ORGL-52400 Leading Change
- ORGL-52700 Building Teams
- ORGL-53600 Ethics/Integrity/Social Responsibility
- ORGL-53900 Conflict Management
- ORGL-55500 Psychology of Motivation
- ORGL-55800 Planning Strategically
- ORGL-56100 Organizational Culture and Systems
- ORGL-56500 Finance as Organizational Text
- ORGL-59200 Workplace Research Critical Thinking
- ORGL-59500 Capstone Leadership and the Future
- ORGL-3200 Life/Career/Emerging Workplace
- ORGL-4400 Organizational Research Analysis